Friday, January 18, 2008

benny the barber.

j. hendrix and a. tolentino
dallas, tx (same apartment, same couch)

at: benny the barber was opposed to
jh: those sensations of sheer apathy that arise after an exquisitely crafted chili-bowl
at: but generally, like any whiskey drinking, cigarette smokin' man, he was pleased to do his job.
jh: Despite the intimidating, martial echo of his brown leather cowboy boots ("shit-kickers", as one with a different narrative voice might describe them) resounding like a
at: flatulent asthmatic banshee,
Jh: patrons of Nutty Jack Cutty's Custom Crown Haircuts found themselves more than merely comforted by benny's suprisingly smooth and warm hands on their heads, in fact they were even
at: inspired to rekindle the flame with ex-girlfriends, childhood friends, Jesus and other lost causes with his gentle touch.

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