Saturday, February 16, 2008

g-chat one line at a time. (fin)

at: harvey lesterson was
wy: your mother's
at: worst
wy: postmaster general
at: . Frankly, I hate your
wy: bean and cheese
at: harpsichord, but I enjoy
wy: frolicing with
at: retard
wy: plutonian scientific
at: notations.

Friday, February 8, 2008

untitled (fin)

at: Personally, I am opposed to
lp: middle-aged men wearing chaps. They make me
at: slightly horny, but
lp: I refrain from asking for their phone numbers. Instead
at: I typically assault them with carpet swatches,
lp: legos, kool aid packets, whiffle ball bats,
at: and most importantly, African Swallows. Beanie Weinies
lp: is a Kosher form of Beanie Weenies.
at: Crack-head mongoloids smell like
lp: teriyaki malt liquor. They mix their crack with
at: their daily dose of heavily medicated applesauce,
lp: and because applesauce is too grainy to shoot up, they
at: save up enough throughout the week to fill a bathtub. The process is called
lp: "Mottsynthesis." They know the sauce is good when
at: babies
lp: steep
at: wildly
lp: from
at: rapturous
lp: dick
at: inhalation. Cumquats
lp: never
at: cease
lp: finding
at: sources
lp: of
at: nicotine
lp: dicks.
at: Every
lp: time
at: you
lp: think
at: "DICK,"
lp: an angel
at: gets
lp: a woody.
at: Pain-free
lp: hair removal
at: is
lp: not
at: flattering
lp: on
at: reptiles,
lp: andrew's mom,
at: Lisa's back,
lp: or Andrew's
at: liver.
lp: Finger smellers
at: frequently
lp: eat
at: gloves
lp: dipped in
at: fart-flavored
lp: icecream.